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RE at St Edwards



Our school follows the curriculum strategy – Learning and Growing as the People of God - provided by the Archdiocese of Birmingham for teaching RE in a Catholic primary school.

Please click on the links at the bottom of this page to access each class’s syllabus.

The thematic approach enables RE to be taught through other subject areas as links in learning provide the children with opportunities to make connections. There are also numerous opportunities for extended writing in RE and to enhance RE learning through the use of ICT.

In addition to the diocesan strategy we have dedicated themed weeks for example a multi faith week which seeks to support the children in learning about other faiths through visiting places of worship.



Children will have the knowledge and understanding to go into the next stage of life appreciating that we must value one another and live out the Gospel message of Jesus.


Children will develop a love and passion of their faith, with an understanding and respect for one another, as Jesus teaches us.


Children will ask questions and understand the importance of their faith, as well as respecting other beliefs, values and opinions; and living amongst people of different faiths.

Due to living in an area which is not as culturally diverse as other parts of Birmingham, we will incorporate Multi faith weeks and school trips based upon other places of worship. This will offer a broad and rich curriculum, to allow for coverage of a variety of ways to explore religions, their community and personal development and wellbeing.

  • All children will have access to at least 10% of Religious Education ( not including assemblies, Mass or Hymn Practise) per week.

  • All children will receive weekly class collective worship and will take an active role within this, eg: helping to plan and lead the service, help the class teacher to prepare the prayer focus with a liturgically coloured cloth and appropriate artefacts.

  • The lessons have an intention of providing a high quality, coherent and progressive experience of the subject, with scope for cross-curricular learning.

  • The curriculum is progressive and varied – applying learning of different religions in depth as children progress through year groups. This will be delivered as a  one week Multifaith block, across the school.

  • Our Catholic values are embodied in our mission statement and are central to the development of our children’s spiritual, moral and vocational understanding.

  • They will be able to identify, investigate and respond to a variety of issues.

  • SMSC, personal growth and community cohesion are featured throughout each non-statutory strand and are there to ensure opportunities for children to develop positive attitudes and values and to reflect on and relate their learning in RE to their own experiences.

  • Class Teachers use Tenten to help with the planning and delivery of Collective Worship

  • Some children from years 3 and 6, have become members of our liturgy group. They have been involved with monitoring prayer areas and displays in classrooms across the different key stages, as well as helping to plan assemblies and Parish mornings. This will be roled out to other children in different year groups.

  • We have a Mini Vinnie’s group, consisting mainly of the same children from our Liturgy group. These children have planned and participated in a Parish morning, serving members of our parish tea and cake, as well as putting a performance on for them.

  • Each class has their own prayer bag, which goes home with one pupil each week (Friday)  This allows the pupil to spend time at home with their family, saying prayers together.Pupils are expected to write a prayer in the book each time it goes home.

  • Each class will have the opportunity to celebrate Mass at Church once, every half term.

  • Staff support will be available at all times and during staff meetings led by the RE Coordinator based upon areas such as; Collective Worship, for example.


Coverage through RE curriculum & extra-curricular:

  • Teachers deliver 10% of RE lessons per week, following the ‘Learning and growing as the people of God’ scheme.
  • Long term overview carefully constructed to include different areas of learning from EYFS through to Year 6, building on learning about specific religions in different year groups.
  • Head teacher, RE lead, Governors and Diocese to work together in sharing ideas and updating SEF accordingly to data and the needs of the school.
  • Head- teacher and RE lead will ensure that staff are planning, leading and assessing collective worship in school. Pupils within school (especially those in Mini Vinnies/Liturgy group) will also be involved in evaluating the Catholic Life of the school.
  • RE lessons are planned and delivered using pre-prepared resources, as well as teachers own resources.
  • Unit markers are used for each unit taught, allowing children to self assess their work.
  • RE lead and class teachers will be responsible for ensuring that each class know by rote, the prayers for their particular year group. They will have these prayers displayed in their classroom and their prayer book.
  • RE lead to undertake learning walks around school to ensure prayer focus areas are up to date and enhance learning.
  • SLT and RE Lead will ensure the rest of the staff are up to date with understanding how to assess their pupils RE work and are assessing correctly.
  • All staff will be involved in a book moderation process, to share examples of work and planning.
  • Teachers deliver faith-based assemblies throughout the year.
  • RE displays throughout school, as well as prayer areas in each key stage, to show whole school coverage.
  •  Key vocabulary will also be displayed on the RE display.
  • Mini Vinnies will plan Parish mornings.
  • A multi-faith week will take place whereby KS1 children will begin to look at other religions, focusing on celebrations and rituals. KS2 will learn about the worlds religions including deeper understanding of the origin of those religions and their key stories and teachings.
  • Ten ten ‘collective worship’ will be used from Spring 1-Summer 2 and ‘Life to the full’ RSE program will be purchased for Sept 2020.
  • Staff retreat to Parish Centre and St Chad’s- ( St Chad’s to be re-arranged)
  • Multi faith trip to be arranged for pupils/ faith based residential for y6.
  • Develop a Collective Worship Policy


  • Assessment for learning (AfL) is ongoing through lessons for each year group.
  • Moderation 1:1 with RE coordinator, phase group, key stage and whole school takes place after each ‘assessed’ unit, to ensure data is accurate- (ongoing)
  • End of unit assessments are available to support teachers in making sure children have reached the intended outcomes.
RE strategies for each year group – Learning and Growing as the People of God - provided by the Archdiocese of Birmingham for teaching RE in a Catholic primary school.